Monday, July 18, 2011

Little Obsessions

I'm one of those people that kind of becomes obsessed with things. When I find a song I love, I play it over and over and over. When I find a food I enjoy, I eat it way more often than I should. When I find a book I love, I will often read it twice in a row. When I am enchanted by a film, I'll watch it more than once in a two week span. It's just how I roll. I think this is okay though as long as whatever I'm obsessed with isn't injurious to my person. It's all part of my commitment to surrounding myself with beauty. I find these small things that make me happy, so why not spread them throughout my life liberally. So, despite the fact that last week was a bizarre roller coaster of emotions, here are a few of my newest little obsessions.

  1. Taking the book jackets off of hard covers. I always used to hate buying books in hard cover. Most of this had to do with the dust jacket, which would never stay put while I was reading. Well, I've bought a few different hard cover books this summer and have discovered that if I take the dust jacket off there is a beautiful book waiting underneath (like the one pictured above). I suddenly love hard cover books. They are simple and elegant and make me feel fancy.
  2. Hummus on sandwiches. I pretty much can't eat any condiments, nor can I have cheese, and this makes sandwiches pretty much the most boring food around. (With the exception of fried egg sandwiches, which are another one of my obsessions, although much less recent). I love hummus though, and so recently my mother and I decided that it would make an excellent addition to my sandwiches. Let me tell you, it is so delicious that I actually crave sandwiches now.
  3. Bio-pic kinds of films. I've been deep in these kinds of films lately. I've always enjoyed them, it's just that I've been watching them all the time lately. Here's a few I would especially recommend: The Young Victoria, Coco Avant Chanel, Julie & Julia, Sylvia, Bright Star, Eat Pray Love. If anyone has any other recommendations, please send them my way.
  4. Online magazines. Seriously in love with Matchbook and Kinfolk. So much inspiration for life is found on these (digital) pages.
Does anybody else ever find themselves obsessing over things? What are some things that have been making you happy lately?

1 comment:

  1. I could watch Julie&Julia every friggin' day! Ha! I love that movie...

    And I love this post! Bree, I'm so glad that you are finding beauty and happiness in life. You deserve darling!
