Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Creation of a Monster

If you are academically inclined and a perfectionist then you have probably stood where I am currently standing. Let me set up the scene for you: you have a major assignment due, you've written it, you've edited it multiple times, you've sent it to other people to edit it, you're feeling pretty confident that you just have to do one last fine-tuning run through and it will be done. This is when it happens. In the blink of an eye, the paper that you were formerly on such good terms with becomes a monster. It comes at you, eyes blazing, mouth gaping, ready to swallow you whole. It doesn't take much to trigger this transformation. It could be that you read something in a secondary source, probably accidentally and just because it was lying open on the desk next to you. Or, as it is in my case, it could be that you had a last minute meeting with your advisor. Suddenly what you thought was really great is just kind of mediocre. You aren't being nearly as clear as you thought you were. You have massive amounts of work to do. And for a moment you are paralyzed, unable to even scream.

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