Sunday, November 13, 2011

Reasons why being sick is worse when you live by yourself

I just spent 60 hours in bed because I was rugby tackled by the flu. Today I managed to drag myself out of bed, shower, put on clothes and go to the drug store. Just so you know, the drug store is basically right outside my door. It takes about 30 seconds to get there. That's how sick I was. I couldn't imagine making a 30 second walk to get medicine. Being sick isn't fun at the best of times, but it's so much worse when you live by yourself. See, when I'm at home, I have my parents. My mom is awesome at taking care of me when I'm sick. She makes sure I do things like drink water. And my dad is always willing to run out to get me medicine or food. And for the past 4 years I've been living with roommates who were absolute god-sends when I got sick. They would write me little get well notes, make me soup and tea, and ignore the fact that I was supposed to be quarantined in order to come read me Dr. Seuss. I missed that a lot. Instead, I was the one who had to get any food or water I needed. I had to make sure I actually hydrated myself. I didn't have anyone to send on a drugstore run, so I just suffered without medicine. It was not fun. I'm still nowhere near 100% but the fact that I showered and got dressed is a good sign. Baby steps, people, baby steps.


  1. Aww--that's no fun. Drink orange juice, matzoh ball soup, and SLEEP....our bodies are always telling us to slow down.
