Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Question for Y'all

I don't normally air ideas that I am simply musing about on the internet, but in this case I am making an exception because I need some feedback. I'm thinking about starting up an Etsy shop to sell some prints of my photographs. Is this a good idea? Would any of you buy prints? Do you know anyone who might buy prints? What kind of images would you like to see available for purchase? What kind of price bracket would you like to see them in? Let me know in the comments here, or, if you know me personally, you can contact me whatever way your heart desires.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

If I'm going to be an insomniac...

...then I might as well make good use of the fact that I am awake in the middle of the night.

I've been a bit stressed out this week. That's a wild understatement. I've been stressed out this week. It's been like a consistent hum in the back of my brain. Of course, this means that sleep tends to elude me no matter how physically exhausted I am. And trust me, I've tried; the other night I went for an hour long walk after being at the pub in an effort to tire myself out. So tonight I just decided that if I am going to be awake anyway, then I might as well do useful things. So I did some laundry, made a card to send to my friend, washed my dishes, and went on a night photo excursion on the dykes. I spent probably 30-45 minutes out there taking shots, and I came away with a couple of pretty good ones, including this one. I also had a random conversation with a guy who was out there (there are other people who wander around the dykes at midnight?). After a while though, the consistency of distant lightning flashes was starting to increase and I was getting a little concerned that I would be blindsided by a thunderstorm out there, so I packed myself up and headed home.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Less-than-eloquent Thoughts

I am not feeling very eloquent lately. Perhaps I only get a certain allotted amount of eloquence per month, and I used it all up on that maid of honour speech.

It's been a couple of days since I got home from a jaunt to Edmonton, and I am still struggling to get going. It has left me feeling profoundly unlike myself.

As much stress and constant running around was involved with the wedding last weekend, I kind of miss having one single thing to worry about. It was a nice change of pace.

Taking photos out of plane windows has possibly become one of my new favourite things.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day!

Or, Happy Dominion Day!

Yes, I am aware that this is not the Canadian flag. See, for the past few years I've spent Canada Day at places like Fort Edmonton and the Ukrainian Heritage Village, where they put on Dominion Day events. I therefore don't really have a time-period appropriate picture to post today. Oh well. I have history-buff friends who will appreciate this.

I'm off to spend the day in Halifax with some friends. I hope you are having a lovely long weekend.