Monday, January 23, 2012

Non-Facebook Friends

I have a few friends here who I am not Facebook friends with. I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately. I really like Facebook. It makes it nice and easy for me to stay in touch with friends and family regardless of where they are. But I think there are some problems with constant contact, with artificially extending friendships beyond their natural limits. In some cases, I think it just isn't healthy. Sometimes when you move away from people you should lose contact with them. Sometimes it should require effort to find out how someone is doing or what has been going on in their lives. I kind of appreciate having friends that I have to call or send a text message or see in person in order to find out how they are doing. There's more intention behind it. It means more.

By the way, I do realize the oddity of posting about how great it is to not be Facebook friends with people when most of you are probably getting here via Facebook. This is just something I've been thinking about lately.


  1. Ironic isn't it! I think facebook helps me keep in contact more with acquantainces than it actually does help with friends.

    1. I totally agree. It's great for keeping me in contact with acquaintances, but I think that I would stay in touch with the people that really matter regardless of whether I had Facebook or not. I actually have at least one really dear friend back home who isn't on Facebook and we just write each other letters. So much more fun!

  2. That is a really good point, Breanna! Facebook has actually made a lot of people a bit... lazy{?} when it comes to friendships. Somehow a lot of people let Facebook interactions replace other forms of meaningful interaction. It is like the difference between books and movies. Both are fine and dandy, but if movies replaced books all together that would be rather sad!
