Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Last One Standing

I am now the only person in my program at school. It was never a big program, but the other two, for very good reasons, left over Christmas break. This was a weird realization, and to be quite honest the reality of it hasn't totally set in yet. I'm trying to make the best of it. After all, it's not like there is anything I can do. I just have to keep on trucking. But I'm also feeling a little bit exposed and insecure and just a little bit scared. I've always relied a little bit on my fellow students to keep my sane and grounded. There have always been people who could commiserate over stress levels, and that always made me feel less crazy. There have always been people to talk me down from the precipice of full-on panic attacks. So going it solo is a bit scary. It's like having the training wheels taken off before I'm really ready.


  1. You're a strong person, Breanna, you can do it!

    Make friends with people from different disciplines. That's what totally keeps me grounded, and out of a bubble.

    Hang in there! You'll make it!

  2. Woah, that is terrifying! Good luck with seminar classes.

  3. Good thing that you have friends in other disciplines. You might have to translate your stessors into terms they will understand (substitute "data analysis" for "thesis chapter") and they should understand.

  4. Thanks, Erika! I have some fabulous friends in other disciplines, and they are certainly what keeps me grounded. I hope your second semester is off to a good start!

    Dad, that was exactly what I thought. One of the upsides of being at a small school and in a small town is that I was kind of forced to make all of those friends outside of my discipline so it's not like I'm totally friendless now. I'm getting good at the translation into science-speak.
