Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bragging Rights

When I decided to move out east I was frequently asked "Why would you want to move there?" (Most notably I was asked this by someone who was considering moving to Saskatchewan for a retail job...I asked him the same thing.) Well, this post is for all of you Albertan folks who couldn't fathom why I would want to come out here. 
Consider today's weather in the afternoon: 
Wolfville: 3C
Edmonton: -26C with -43C windchill
Friends, this may not be why I moved out here, but I sure am enjoying it.

(PS - We do now have some snow. Not a lot, but more than this photo.)


  1. Love the blog hun! saw your page while blog "walking" lol!
    Can't wait to read more!

    happy to be your newest follower :0)
    visit sometime, and follow back?


    1. Thank you! :)

      I just followed you back. Love the upbeat attitude of your blog so much! Excited to keep reading!
