Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Simple Thing

Life has been giving me a headache lately. I have way too many things on my plate. My brain is constantly spinning in these tiny obsessive circles. Whenever I am doing anything I am also thinking about (and sometimes attempting to actually do) at least three other things. It's like having a wild animal trapped in my head. He's trapped in there and getting panicky because he can't find a way out. So he just keeps throwing things around, knocking stuff over, making me panicky right along with him. I am feeling un-grounded. I am cursing the law that seems to exist right along with gravity that everything must happen at once. Things can never come at a sane, slow pace. Instead they pile up on top of each other like a bad crash on the highway. And I'm pinned in the middle of all of them.

So, as my life begins to get out of control it was nice to come home on Monday to two new perfumes. Something so simple, but it was like taking a deep breath of air. I can't use alcohol-based fragrances because they give me major headaches, but I found MCMC Fragrances and fell in love with their organic oil-based roll-on perfumes. They are exquisite. The one on the right in this picture, Maine, is my go-to perfume. It's salty and subtly grassy. It smells like sea and dried beach scrub. It makes me think of being in a seaside cabin. I adore it. I just got Hunter and Kept, but I'm already madly in love with them. Hunter is woodsy and outdoorsy. It's masculine (a quality that all of my perfumes must have) and, as the website describes it, is "best if worn with a flannel shirt" - and I seriously love flannel shirts. Kept is a little bit girlier than the other two since it's red rose based. But this is balanced out beautifully by black tea, leather, clove and amber and it ends up being this really rock and roll, tough but sweet girl kind of fragrance. Perfume is a small thing, but it is beautiful. I like looking at it, I like smelling it, I like how it makes me feel special and beautiful when I wear it. I'm big on surrounding myself with beauty and in the midst of my swirling vortex of craziness, I was glad to find something beautiful to hold onto.

1 comment:

  1. wow, great post. i've never heard of that kind of perfume.. i've always hated the nail polish remover smell of most perfumes... i'll need to try these out!
