Sunday, November 14, 2010

Breaking the Rules

Apparently I have been learning a lot about myself lately. A couple of weeks ago, as I was working on a massive stack of papers, I came to this realization: I dislike rules. I'm not an anarchist, and I certainly recognize that having rules makes society survivable. In fact, I am generally what might be described as a "goody-goody". I follow the rules, I just resent them while I do it. Whenever I am told I can't hav something, I want it. I am constantly longing for something I don't have or somewhere I can't be. Whenever someone tells me what I should be doing I automatically want to do something else, and whenever someone tells me not to do something I automatically want to do it. Seriously. You know those signs in various public locations saying "No Loitering"? As soon as I see one of those I want to loiter. Never in my life have I had a need to loiter anywhere, but every time I see one of those signs I wish I had a reason to loiter. I love that this little wildflower refused to conform to its surroundings. I took this over the thanksgiving weekend in October. Not exactly prime flower season around here. And yet here was this little red flower, simply refusing to bow to the norm, refusing to be a washed-out colour that would blend in with the general death-like tones of October gardens. Nope, not this guy. He was going to be unapologetically red. I like that. Sometimes I wish I was more like that.

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