Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I stop and smell the roses, but they're all frozen

I was listening to the radio the other day and the DJ was talking about how the roads are getting a bit nasty since winter is upon us and people should just take their time driving; they should "stop and smell the roses...although they are all frozen now". That made me laugh, but it also gave me pause to think. All too often when life gets crazy I fail to implement the simple practice of appreciating the good moments. It becomes far too easy for me to simply remain numb to anything good that happens. It is like smelling a frozen flower; there just isn't any point to the exercise. In November as the onslaught of papers and assignments gets more and more intense and the temperature continues to plummet and ice forms on the inside of my bedroom window it is easy to lose sight of the fact that my life is not actually an unmitigated disaster. In fact, if you dig beneath the stress and feeling of being completely out of control, my life is actually pretty great right now. Tonight was one of those nights that confirms that for me. I stopped to smell some frozen roses and found that they not only still hold a scent, they are downright gorgeous.

This picture is actually from Thanksgiving weekend back in October, but the frost had already hit the garden at my parents' house and one of my mom's rose bushes had been caught off guard by the cold snap. It was covered in buds and partial blooms that had simply been frozen in time. I think they are incredibly beautiful though. I guess it's like I said in yesterday's post: I love finding beauty in strange places, in the things that others call ugly.

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