Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My dear friends

this evening i'm feeling really thankful for good friends who mean the world to me. friends that challenge and inspire me. friends that i feel i can confide in because they're trustworthy, they listen, and even if we don't see eye to eye on many things, they're there for me, because they're just good people. simple as that. -- from this post on rockstar diaries
When I read that a few days ago, it instantly grabbed me because it was so exactly what I had been feeling lately. I have some friends who mean the world to me. They are the kind of friends who feel more like family than friends. The kind where you swear you are telepathically linked because somehow they always know the perfect moment to send a little love or encouragement your way. The kind that are brutally honest when need be, but are also understanding and sympathetic when it's needed. The kind of friends without whom you are quite certain you would not be able to function. This is one of the biggest things I'm struggling with as my move looms ever closer. I feel a bit like I am scattering pieces of my heart across the country. And it's funny because it's not like we've never been apart before. I've had these friends scattered across the country before. In fact, two of them don't live in the same city as me now. Somehow it's harder this time though. Maybe it's because the distance is so much greater. Maybe it's because we are all growing up and it is becoming harder and harder to find time to travel and see each other. Whatever the reason is, I am scared to be without these ladies and I am so thankful for letters and emails, phone calls and text messages, facebook and blogs because they allow us to stay together even when we are apart. So I wanted to take a moment here to say thank you to all of my friends who are so fabulous. I love you.

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