Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Week of Goodbyes

I hate goodbyes. I'm awful at them. I'm one of those people who would rather avoid them if at all possible. I tend to regret this decision afterwards, but in the moment it always seems like the better plan to just leave as quietly as possible. Well, if you are going to move across the country there are a rather insane number of goodbyes to be said in a rather short amount of time. It all started last Saturday after the wedding: all the goodbyes to my former roommates and schoolmates, the acknowledgment of how weird it was that we weren't all moving back in together in a month. Then Sunday it was brunch with Sinead, a goodbye to a dear friend. Then Wednesday was coffee with Lycidas, a goodbye that was even harder than I expected. Friday was goodbyes at work, which, since I honestly love the people I work with, was kind of difficult, and goodbye to Margaret and Jasmine, more good friends. And Saturday I face saying goodbye to Gabby, possibly the goodbye that I am most dreading. Fortunately I'm taking my parents and Sally with me, so that's at least three less people I have to say goodbye to right now.


  1. i just moved to india and had to say so many goodbyes as well. maybe its a good thing to be bad at them though? who wants to be good and saying bye?

  2. thinking of you EVERY DAY and hoping you are well - MUAH. can't wait till the letters begin :)

  3. Kimia - What an excellent observation. When I think about it I really don't want to be good at goodbyes. I think that struggling to say goodbye to people means that you care about them and recognize their importance in your life. Thank you for the comment and the new perspective. I hope you are enjoying India.

    Lisa - I love you a lot. I am so excited for our snail mail correspondence!
