Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Doesn't mean anything, really

"Just because somebody likes something doesn't mean...anything, really." 
-- Zooey Deschanel in New York Magazine

I have a major girl crush on Zooey Deschanel, so I was eagerly anticipating the premiere of New Girl. I don't have a tv so I downloaded it on itunes (free, baby!). And I loved it. It was sweet and quirky and funny and touching. Quality television right there. In the lead up to the show I read this article in New York Magazine and this quote stuck with me. It comes in the context of talking about the age of social networking and how we think if we know everything that someone likes - their taste in books and movies and music -- that we know them. I thought this was really insightful. It really doesn't mean anything. Just because you share musical tastes with someone doesn't mean you are going to be best friends. It really does mean nothing. Yeah, it means you know a little bit about them, but it doesn't mean you know who they are. You're kind of missing out on some of the most important things. I liked this quote for another reason too. We put so much stock in what we like. I know I do. I mean, this whole blog is basically a tribute to things that I like. Sometimes it's good to remember that it doesn't actually matter all that much.

So, here's a picture I took on the way to Edmonton last weekend. I like it. Maybe that doesn't mean anything, really.

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