Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's (Finally) Close of Day

The Red - Blaze - is the Morning -
The Violet - is Noon -
The Yellow - Day - is falling -
And after that - is None -

But Miles of Sparks - at Evening -
Reveal the Width that burned -
The Territory Argent- that never yet consumed -

-- Emily Dickinson

Today was incredibly draining so I don't really have the energy to put together a hardcore post tonight. I am so excited for it to be over. I adore this poem by Emily Dickinson though, so I thought I would share it with all of you. I took this picture a couple of weeks ago while I was walking to the grocery store. Evidence that it is not crazy to always carry a camera with you. I know it is kind of grainy/blurry, but I kind of like that about it. I find that it almost makes it look like a painting instead of a photograph. I think that's kind of cool.

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