Thursday, October 28, 2010

She looks so pretty, but she is so cold

Winter is one of those words that evokes a whole bunch of different and often contradictory images for me. Some of the things I think of are awful: blizzards, temperatures that are 30 or 40 below, really short days, ice on the roads and sidewalks, etc. If I'm honest, those are the things I think of first. Winter and I have never been friends. But there are also some things that winter makes me think of that are quite lovely: Christmas and all the attendant decorations, warm blankets, frost on windows, perfectly clear blue skies, staying inside and watching the snow fall. As the cold is setting in I have to keep reminding myself of these good things about winter. This picture is a really great example of how beautiful winter can be. The thick frost on the tree branches outlined against the clear blue sky is exquisite. It's kind of like a giant version of the lacy patterns frost makes on windows. It is also an image that makes me profoundly cold just looking at it, but I don't think there is a way to get around that. Winter in Alberta is going to be cold. At least if I'm going to freeze to death for 6 months of the year, it is pretty outside.

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