Friday, October 8, 2010

Smells good...or not

This is a picture of the lovely reed diffuser in my room. It is hazelnut cream scented and amazing. The reason I thought of this particular picture (which I took one night while I was writing some god-forsaken assignment at ridiculous hours of the night) is a story from work tonight. So, there was a new bottle of hand lotion sitting on my desk (which I share with the other proofreaders so stuff does randomly appear on it) and it was some brand that I had never heard of, but it looked pretty. And according to the label it was supposed to smell like spiced cocoa butter. This sounded excellent in theory. I love cocoa butter and I love spices (we're talking cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.) so this seemed like an ideal combination. I smelled the lotion in the container and it seemed pretty heavenly. That is when I decided to put it on my hands. And that is when I discovered that it actually smells pretty awful. And now my hands smell like this weird lotion. And I made the mistake of rubbing my itchy nose with a freshly lotioned hand so I am stuck smelling it all the time. Bleh. On the bright side, that was the worst part of my day and it is simply an amusing anecdote. That's pretty stellar considering how much I was dreading today.

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