Thursday, December 23, 2010

Here's to Happiness

One of my favourite blogs on the internet is rockstar diaries. Every time I read Taza's beautiful posts I get an overwhelming desire to simply step out of my life and into her shoes (sometimes her whole wardrobe since it is ridiculously cute). Her blog is permeated by profound joy and a slightly quirky sensibility that I adore. Plus the photos are beautiful. A couple of days ago she posted a little list of ten things that are making her happy this week. Every so often she writes one of these up as part of her Here's To Happiness set of entries and encourages others to submit their lists. It's such a fantastic way to take a second and appreciate the good things in your life, whether they are big or small. Sometimes I lose my smile (which those of you who read this regularly know all too well), so in an effort to counteract that I've taken to savouring the things that make me smile. I decided that today was a good day to adopt Taza's happiness list. Here are ten things that are making me terribly happy this week (most of them are rather Christmas-y):
  1. Pink Martini's Christmas album, Joy to the World. Especially their version of Shchedryk (Ukrainian Bell Carol).
  2. Christmas lights.
  3. Napping in the sunshine.
  4. Brave friends.
  5. Conversations with friends where I lay my heart bare and am greeted with understanding, compassion and encouragement.
  6. Wrapping Christmas presents.
  7. Being greeted with smiles by strangers on the street.
  8. Unexpectedly having my New Year's Eve shift cancelled.
  9. Getting Christmas cards from dear friends. 
  10. Finding glitter from cards and ornaments in unexpected places. A little, sparkly reminder that you are loved and magic still happens this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. This post is a little bit of light amidst my dark post-solstice doldrums. Here's to happiness, and your wonderful ability to articulate it!
