Monday, December 20, 2010

Ten Things...Let it Snow!

Winter officially arrives this week although the amount of snow we've had in the past few days pretty much makes the first day of winter nothing more than a formality. Seriously. Why is the first day of winter in the middle of December? This has never made sense to me. Yes, I understand that because of the position of the Earth and such it is the shortest day of the year, but why do we insist on referring to it as the first day of winter? Anyway, due to winter's arrival (both formal and informal), here are ten posts about snow, cold, ice, and the ways I cope with it.

  1. Snowed In
  2. Icy
  3. Winter has Arrived
  4. She looks so pretty, but she is so cold
  5. Cold and Grey
  6. Death by Cold
  7. Snow Day
  8. Spring Snow
  9. Spring in Edmonton
  10. April Blizzard

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