Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh How I Loathe Thee

I hate finals.

I realize that no one really loves finals. I have yet to hear, in all my years of schooling, someone say "Yay finals! This is my favourite time of the year!" or anything of a similar ilk. However, I really hate finals. I would rather write a paper. And if I have to write an exam then I would rather it be a take home than an in class. Exams just stress me out way more than papers. I think part of it has to do with the fact that studying isn't a finite task. I never really feel like I am done studying. It is more that I just run out of time and have to go write the exam. Papers I can feel like I am done. Studying just goes on and on and on...

I hate studying. And I am not good at it on the best of days. Today, however, it is exceptionally bad. See, I have one final exam left in my undergraduate career. One. It's tomorrow afternoon. By three o'clock Thursday afternoon I will be free. This alone would be enough to make studying a difficult task. To top it off though it is in a class that I just don't care about at all. It was a topic I wasn't particularly interested in to begin with, we had a horrible prof, and overall I feel like I learned very little. My notes are pathetic. And not in the this-prof-is-so-deep-I-don't-know-what-to-write way, but in the we-actually-didn't-discuss-this-in-any-sort-of-detail way. It's awful. Consequently I have very little motivation to study.

I'll still be panicking tomorrow though. Darn perfectionism.


  1. I totally agree. I've been struggling with the fact that I still don't know if Perfectionism is a blessing or a curse...

  2. i actually prefer exams to homework, wack as that may be. i miss mid-terms and finals and all the stress of student-life. the world outside the schooling bubble isn't all it's cracked up to be... :( :(

    all the best to you for your examinations though! you'll pull through just fine. perfectionists always do, eh ;)
