Saturday, February 26, 2011

Please, can I get back on the bus?

"I have never seen someone who can sleep so well on a bus before. You just get on and, wham, conk out."
"It's because I'm moving, so I feel safe."
Long pause.
"Wow, you're getting all psychological on us."

This was a breakfast table conversation amongst a group of us who were billeted out together on the first night of tour. It was really early at the time so it didn't really develop into a serious discussion, but the idea of feeling safe while moving has stuck with me since then. To be honest, tour busses are uncomfortable. After sitting for that long you start to get restless. I find it difficult to sleep on them. And yet since getting home every single day I've been wishing I was back on the bus. This confused me. Hadn't I just spent five days saying I wished we didn't have to spend so much time on a bus? I was less anxious to get off than some people since I like road trips, but I was definitely finding it a bit ridiculous by the end. I realized the other day though that this sense of safety in motion is why I want to be back on the bus. Those of us at the back of the bus became a little family of sorts. I was comfortable there, I felt safe amongst those people, and I was moving, I was going somewhere, which combated the all-too-frequent sensation of stagnation I get in my life. I just want to get back on the bus.

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