Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Smiling anyway

First, I would like to apologize for two things blog related. I am sorry my posts have been rather sporadic lately. The last week was crazy. This week doesn't look any better. In fact, February is pretty much just nutso. Additionally I haven't exactly been feeling like I have anything to share. Most days it has been an effort just to haul myself out of bed and make my way through the day, so by the time I sit down to stare at a new blog post I am usually drained of any ounce of creativity or thought. Which brings me to the second thing I am sorry for. I am sorry that this blog has been so Debbie-Downer-ish lately. That's just the headspace I've been operating in and I find it difficult to be less than honest here. Perhaps it is because it is my art, and art, I find, seldom lies about my mental state. I can smile all day long, but if something is bothering me it will inevitably come out in my creative endeavours.

In an effort to balance out this and this here is a list of 10 things that are making me happy lately.
  1. The flowers that my dad bought me a couple weeks ago and are still alive. (I took this photo of them a while ago on an exquisite morning of sunshine, tea and French music.)
  2. Tonight's sunset. It was gorgeous. An intense golden sun and the perfect blue/yellow/pink watercolour sky.
  3. Pictures of tiny kittens.
  4. Professors who genuinely care about me.
  5. Conversations with my best friend. Even if they are via text message.
  6. Fried mushrooms.
  7. Fantasy shopping for furniture/accessories for wherever I end up living next year.
  8. Blackberry Vanilla Lipton tea.
  9. The fact that I finally feel like I fit in with the guys at work.
  10. Watching the latest episode of Greek.

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