Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"My Day"

Dear Monday,
Thanks for having the word "mon" in you. That's French for "mine," in case you weren't aware, Monday, but it makes me think of you more as "my day," and frankly that sounds like a much more promising start to the week.
Best, Leah
I've had two good Mondays in a row now. What's that? Yes indeed, they are having a snowball fight in hell. It's so weird. Mondays are usually unpleasant. They have never been my least favourite day of the week, but they are generally just kind of blah days. But two weeks in a row now my Mondays have been fabulous. I know why they have been too, which almost makes it better. There is something deeply satisfying about knowing why I am happy.

The "Dear Monday" quote is from thxthxthx. I've only recently discovered this blog and am absolutely head over heels with it. I've actually started writing my own thank you notes to things and posting them on my wall. It's forcing me to look at things a bit differently. All part of my decision to surround myself with beauty. Leah's notes are just so charming and it is such a refreshing way to look at the world. I found this one about Monday to be so wonderful. And so appropriate. I might have to start thinking about Monday as "my day."

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