Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am obsessed with light. Although if you know me or read this blog on a regular basis you probably already know that. There is just so much light can do. The right lighting can change everything. I've been transfixed by various qualities of sunlight for the past several months. This may be because it is the dead of winter and therefore the number of hours with sunlight are precious few and I am longing for summer and its attendant light. However, I have forgotten lately that artificial light can actually be just as lovely. This is because I spend most of my time with artificial light in the form of annoying, buzzing overhead lights in the office or the tungsten lights in my room which keep me awake while doing homework. I've been reminded a couple of times in the past week or two that these are not the only forms of artificial light, and that artificial light is not always profoundly unfortunate. One such reminder came today when I walked into the publications office and Sharon had desk lamps on but the overhead lights off. I can't even explain how relaxing that felt. It was instant too. I walked in and could suddenly breathe. I walked out and the world landed back on my shoulders. That, my friends, is the magic of light.

This is a chandelier in a coffee shop in Toronto (the same one that this and this are from). This coffee shop is quite possibly one of my favourite places from my trip to Toronto. One day I will go back there. I adore chandeliers. One day, when I am successful and rich, I will have a chandelier in my dream home. Until then I will have to satisfy myself with enjoying them when I come across them and wandering through lighting sections in stores.

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