Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Drowning in a Flood

Don't worry, I'm not drowning in an actual flood. Just a flood of school work, but that is normal for this time of year. This picture is from a couple summers ago when I spent a day out at my friend's cabin on the lake. Good times indeed. It was really windy that day so the water was pretty awesome looking. Keep reading to find out how this is relevant to my day.
Did you ever play that game when you were a kid where there was a bunch of objects and then you were told (usually in song) that "one of these things just doesn't belong here, one of these things just isn't the same". I think they used to have it on Sesame Street. Anyway. Here's one for you, pick the thing in the following list that does not fit in:
a) Floods/water
b) Ark/boat
c) Animals
d) Feminist Theory
If you answered d) then you would be correct. I'm still working on my last paper of the semester (discussed yesterday). I can honestly say that I never thought I would be writing a paper about a feminist critique of Noah and the flood. Nonetheless, here I am! Writing away. I have discovered two things about myself in this process. First, I am horrible at writing about theoretical issues. I just can't explain them in concrete terms. Second, I seriously need to find the switch in my brain that makes me stop writing. I constantly write papers that are WAY over the length requirements. Fortunately most of my profs are okay with that. I think that when I'm done with the rough draft this paper is probably going to be about twice as long as it needs to be. The paper I handed in last week was also like that. Although, with editing I managed to cut that one down by four pages so it was only 11 pages once I handed it in. It was supposed to be 6-8. Oops. Oh well. I hope all of you who are also working on end of term stuff are holding up well! All right. Back to trucking on through (for some reason I've been using that phrase a lot lately...isn't it interesting how sometimes you will end up using a word or a phrase all the time and then suddenly stop?)

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