Friday, April 30, 2010

Rain, rain on my face

It has been grey and rainy and rather blah for a few days now. All this would not be such an issue except for the wind. Ah well. Nothing to be done about it. The dreary weather always makes me think about the East Coast and how much I love it there. This picture is from the last time I was in Nova Scotia. Rain on the car window as we drove along the highway. Perhaps if it is still rainy tomorrow I'll have to go out and try and get some good shots to share here.
At least the inclement weather means that I don't want to be outside. I managed to get a good amount of unpacking done today. All of my clothes and shoes now have homes and I have made a good start on the unpacking of books. If you know me then you know that all three of those categories of belongings are not small in my world. I have a lot of shoes. And clothes. But books are my real weakness; I just can't stop buying them. Speaking of which. I just finished Nikolski by Nicolas Dickner. Fantastic read. Very postmodern in the way it is structured and has some major elements of magic realism going on, but compelling and lovely. It kind of reminded me of Green Grass Running Water by Thomas King, which we read in the second half of my Canadian Lit course. Only, I think Nikolski is better. Hopefully tomorrow I can tackle the rest of my books and get a start on the random items I have have. One of the fun things about cleaning my room is finding old cards and letters. I found a couple from when my friend was living in France for a year. And a couple of old birthday cards from my best friend, which made me smile because of how much we have changed and how true her predictions that we would be friends for life are. Even though we have both changed so much, and we have gone through periods of being in ridiculous fights, we're still best friends. It's nice to have someone you can count on for that, someone that you know you can always talk to about anything. I also stumbled across my journals from YLP, which made for a fun trip down memory lane. They also made me terribly glad to not be a teenager anymore. Man was that an awkward phase of my life.
Yesterday was disgusting. On the bright side, I got a fantastic new haircut. On the down side NO ONE is hiring for the summer. I'm waiting to hear back from a couple places, but by and large people wouldn't even take my resume. Gah. Oh well, I'm sure everything will work itself out. The place that I really really really want to work took my resume so I'm hoping for a call from them some time soon.
*Title comes from the lyrics to "Flood" by Jars of Clay

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