Friday, May 21, 2010

Splish splash drip drop goosh goosh goosh TIDAL WAVE

So there was no tidal wave (it would have to be one mighty big tidal wave to get all the way to Edmonton...), but I was trying to think of a rain/water related title and that good old camp song popped into my head. Just think of all the brain space I could clear out if I forgot all the lyrics and actions to such songs. However, I think that they are forever burned into my memory. I will be 90 years old and completely gaga, unable to remember anything or anyone but I will still be able to sing all those camp songs and do the actions to them. Anyway, today was a rainy day. In theory I'm okay with rainy days, but for some reason I was just going stir crazy today. My plan for the afternoon fell through and so the day felt incredibly long. I managed to come up with stuff to do this evening though, which helped immensely. In order to curb my boredom I decided to wander the garden taking pictures this afternoon. It had been raining really lightly for most of the day so everything was wet and grey, but I kind of like how some of the images turned out. This is one of them. Little tiny rain drops caught on the leaves of one of my mom's plants. It seems to capture the day quite well.

1 comment:

  1. I think blogspot needs a LOVE button.......

    because I L-O-V-E this!
    and you coincidently.

    Have a delightful Friday!
