Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Snow Day

Yes, a snow day in May (sorry, I couldn't resist exploiting that particular rhyming opportunity). Apparently this morning was rather blizzard-like what with the continuing insane wind and the snow. I was asleep at that point, or at least trying very hard to sleep, so I only know this from what my mom told me and the fact that the world was completely white when I finally did drag myself out of bed. I had probably the worst sleep I've had in quite a while last night. It was pouring rain and incredibly windy which meant that the sound of pounding rain on my window woke me up about every half hour. And then around the time that stopped, the neighbours decided to run their truck for a very long time (which I understand in winter, but not any other time of the year), and by then my family was getting up and making noise. On the bright side one of my sweet cats came and slept on my bed with me all night. Normally I don't allow the cats into my room at night (due to the fact that they tend to wreak havoc with my possessions) and on the odd occassion that I do let one of them in they usually want out at 3 in the morning and wake me up with their meowing and scratching at the door. But it was like my kitty knew I was sick. She spent the afternoon on the couch with me and then ensconced herself on my bed around 11 and didn't leave until 6 in the morning (which is her breakfast time and she is rather fond of food). And she spent the afternoon today with me on the couch again. Such a good cat. On the bright side, despite my horrid rest, I am feeling better today. I mean, I still feel disgusting and flu-like, but markedly better. And after surviving a brush with H1N1 last November, this flu is like being whacked with a little baby wrecking ball instead of a really massive, taking-down-a-25-story-building kind of wrecking ball.
Needless to say, this whole being ill business meant that I didn't shower or change out my pjs today, much less wander around in the disgusting and entirely unseasonal weather taking pictures. I'm slightly sad about that since the snow is all wet and heavy. Perfect snowman snow. Pictures would have been fun. Anyway, these pictures are actually from Christmas a couple years ago. I went for a walk to the elementary school playground by my house on Christmas Day and the place was deserted. This is actually the school I went to from kindergarten to grade 6, so I've spent a lot of time on this playground. I'm willing to bet it would have looked relatively similar today. Well, minus the deserted part since I guess school is still in session. There is something wonderful about playgrounds. They always make me feel like a little kid. How cool would it be to take engagement photos in a playground? (yes there is a reason I am thinking about engagement photos, no it is not because I am engaged) I think my friends and I might have to visit some playgrounds this summer and take some photos. Sounds like fun.

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