Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Gathering Storm

I don't live in southern Alberta, so I am not currently experiencing endless rain and intense flooding. I hope that those of you who do live in southern Alberta are managing to stay dry. However, it has been hot and humid (for Alberta anyway) and so the occasional thunderstorm has been rolling in. I love thunderstorms. There is just something truly wonderful about them. Maybe it's because they could be a metaphor for me as a person. Things just build and build and eventually explode in this spectacular fashion. Sometimes the outcome is good and sometimes it is disasterous. I feel like that is the point I'm at right now, the gathering of the storm. For the most part things are okay, and yet there is just something about certain moments that has been putting me on edge. It's weird and I'm not entirely sure how to explain it. So I am going to stop trying and move on to discussing the photo. I took this a couple summers ago when an actual storm was starting to brew on the horizon. Clouds fascinate me. I think it is because of how they affect light in such amazing ways. The build up of clouds, the promise of a storm...something is about to happen, I just wish I knew what it was.

1 comment:

  1. B-E-A-U-TIFUL picture Bree!
    Love it!

    Also, explosions/spectacular outbursts are fascinating, so hopefully your upcoming one is a good one, not a bad one....


    Love you little lady!
