Saturday, September 11, 2010

Daydreams of Paris

I feel like I am constantly apologizing for the lack of posts on here, but yet again I seem to have gone for a week as the world's most unreliable blogger. This was a crazy busy week. Not only was I back in school full time, but I also worked 5 days a week. Once I got through class, work, and homework it was typically the next day, and all I could manage was to pull on some pjs and crawl into bed. Fortunately my life returns to a slightly less hectic pace beginning tomorrow. Hopefully that, combined with the fact that we now have normal internet again, means that my blog posting will become more regular again.

I was trying to think of pictures to post that related to the busyness of my week. Of course the first thing that came to my head was bees because of the phrase "busy like a bee". However, due to the flighty nature of bees and the fact that they kind of freak me out, I actually don't have any pictures of them. The next thing that came to my head was the image of a busy city street. Now despite having sat through my share of traffic jams, I don't typically bust out my camera in order to document the experience. However, I do love taking street shots when I'm travelling. These photos from Paris are some of my favourites, and even though they aren't particularly busy streets they make me remember that trip, and trust me the majority of the streets were busy. Paris is a truly beautiful city. There is simply nothing like walking through cities full of old buildings. That is one of the reasons I love Europe so much. Paris though has a particular look and feel about it that is different from other cities I've been to. Now, during the day it is kind of dirty and crowded, but at night...simply gorgeous. Paris also photographs really well in black and white, a quality which basically sells me on any location.

Perhaps another reason I'm posting pictures from Paris is the fact that when I get busy I tend to start daydreaming about jumping on a plane and going somewhere. In fact, the busier I get, the more I daydream about vacationing. Of course that doesn't help my jam packed schedule since it means that things take even longer to get done. Does anyone else have that problem?

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