Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An Elevator Kind of Day

Today was an elevator kind of day. What does that mean you ask? Well, I will try to attempt to explain. One thing you need to know about me for all of this to make sense is that I generally dislike elevators. I avoid them unless necessary (like when I lived on the 17th floor of a building or when I'm carrying heavy things). But all day I just wanted to take the elevator. Several times I was carrying heavy loads (groceries or ridiculous numbers of books), but the rest of the time I was just tired and didn't have the energy to climb the stairs to 5th floor. This is more than just physical tiredness too, it was a true mental exhaustion.  woke up at 5:30 this morning, so I have been rather exhausted all day. Classes did not go well today. Every little thing that could go wrong seemed to go wrong all day. I have an assignment due tomorrow that I am currently supposed to be working on (I'm just taking a break to post this). In a lovely example of pathetic fallacy it started raining in the wee hours of the morning and continued until mid-afternoon. It was that perfect melancholy kind of rain. So, all in all, it was an elevator kind of day. That might not make sense to anyone but me, but I'm kind of okay with that because the perfection of that statement to capture my day impresses me.

I just took this photo 10 minutes ago in the lobby. Oh the wonderful elevator call button.

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