Friday, September 3, 2010

Liquid Comfort

If alcohol is liquid courage then tea is liquid comfort. I've been fighting a cold since Tuesday, and, as it is with all immune battles, the cold is winning and I am losing. Fortuantely it actually hasn't been that bad. At least during the day. It definitely gets worse at night. I also am getting to that point where I sound awful because I am all stuffed up and my throat is on fire. Seriously. If I was a man this would be attractive, but since I am not a man it is just sad. I've also started to develop a cough, which just makes everything sound that much better. Anyway. As a way to counteract the firey throat I have been drinking a lot of tea. I normally drink quite a bit of tea, but this is even more than average. There is just something inherently comforting in a warm mug of tea. Wrapping my hands around the mug and holding it up to my face so that I breathe in the steam is one of my favourite things to to when I'm feeling down or sick.

I thought it was only appropriate to share a tea-themed picture with all of you. This is actually quite an old picture. I took it on my Christmas break in 2007 on a trip to Steeps with some of my friends.

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