Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sink or Swim

So, I have had three days of classes and I already feel like I am behind on my reading. Apparently this is a sentiment shared by many of my fellow fourth years, who seem to be just as flabbergasted by the amount of work we have already been assigned as I am. Seriously. I know I wrote about this on Wednesday, but apparently once you get to fourth year you no longer get a grace period at the beginning of the semester. Normally the first couple weeks of school are pretty light. You'll get some readings, but assignments don't usually rolling in until mid-September, and any of the insane reading loads don't show up until October or so. Definitely not the case this year. I am already overwhelmed. Instead of letting the waters of academia thaw after the break and warm up to a decent temperature they just chuck you into the icy cold water of academics and your only choice is to thrash wildly in order to keep yourself from drowning. Oi vey. And yes I realize that seasonally that imagery doesn't make sense since water is actually getting colder and more frozen this time of year, but it just is so perfect for my current experience. I am trying very hard to not get too stressed out yet. And actually, despite the frantic tone of this entry, I am doing pretty well at it. If you know me then you know that this is a MAJOR accomplishment. This picture is exactly what it feels like I am being thrown into: a half frozen lake. And I can't swim.

So that is my rant. I feel like I can now stop talking about this. I should also clarify that I am still glad to be back at school. I'm just a tad overwhelmed.

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