Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Today was the first day back at school. I absolutely love this time of year. Everyone is still excited to see each other, classes haven't started to get stressful yet, it's autumn so the weather is lovely and the fashion is awesome, there are new books and notebooks and pens...everything about this part of the year makes me smile. I know I'm a dork, but I'm totally okay with that. Besides, someone has to be excited about academics. Although apparently once you get into senior level classes the profs stop taking it easy the first few days. In first year classes the first day is usually just going through the syllabus, maybe having a minor class discussion, but that is pretty much it. Second year is similar. By third year you usually have to stay for the full class time and have an actual intellectual discussion. But in fourth year they apparently start assigning homework on the first day. It's like the profs figure you've been at this long enough that you no longer need an adjustment period. For example, in the one class I had today I was informed that I need to read all of Great Expectations and write a one page reflection on the character of Pip by next Wednesday. Crikey.

Funny story from class today. Well, I think it is funny at least. So since I'm at a small school and there are not that many four year English majors, we pretty much all know each other (there are only nine people in the class I had today). We are all sitting there at the start of class and our prof (who we also know really well) comes in and jokingly says "Well, you guys don't know each other at all! You should really introduce yourselves." We are all laughing about this when suddenly some random guy walks into the class. I turned to the girl next to me and asked "How is there someone in this class we don't know?" and you could see that everyone else was asking each other the same thing. We were floored. Turns out he was a first year who was lost and looking for his intro English class. I would have felt bad for the guy except that when he discovered he was in the wrong class he made it seem like it was somehow our fault for being in that classroom. That attitude lost him my sympathy. I just thought the timing of that was too great not to share though.

In honour of back-to-school, I have here a picture of an apple. A crab apple on my parents' neighbours' tree to be specific. How did apples get associated with teachers anyway? Whenever I think about apples the first thing that pops into my head is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". So why is it traditional to give your teacher an apple? Why are there so many ridiculous knick knacky gifts for teacher that are apple shaped or have pictures of apples on them? Intriguing...

By the way, sorry about the sparse posting lately. Since moving I've been dealing with unpacking, catching up with people, slow internet (the thought of uploading pictures scares me, although this situation should be remedied on Saturday when we get our high-speed installed), working Regestration Confirmation and the ensuing exhaustion, and a delightful cold to top it all off. Hopefully I will soon be resuming a more normal posting schedule.

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