Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ten Things...Soaked in a golden light

I was in the middle of posting this last night when suddenly my computer decided that there were no wireless networks in range (despite the fact that there were definitely multiple options available). Now the relationship between my computer and the internet has been tenuous at best lately, but normally they get over whatever tiff they are having fairly quickly. Not last night though. No, no. For hours my little laptop persisted in the belief that there was no internet for it to connect to. Eventually I just gave up, went to bed, and decided that no one would die if I posted this week's Ten Things on a Monday.

One of the most delightful things about the weather we have been having lately is the light. Sunset drenches the world in liquid gold and I simply can't help smiling. Light fascinates me. I've talked about that a few times on this blog. It is one of my great frustrations with taking a photo when I can't capture the light. There is something mysterious and magical about light. So, here are ten posts dedicated to sunlight.

  1. Brilliant
  2. Sunsets
  3. Gorgeous
  4. Sunset on the Harbour
  5. Daydreams of Sunshine
  6. Inspiration in Black and White
  7. This is Calm
  8. Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
  9. Picture Perfect Ending
  10. The Road Less Traveled By


  1. Not only are you a wonderful wordsmith, Breanna, but also a gifted photographer! I think I will have to explore your blog more often!

  2. Thanks so much Kathy! I'm glad you're checking my blog out. Please do come back :)
