Monday, July 12, 2010

Well, there ain't no strangers when you're swinging a hammer side by side

I am quite possibly one of the worst bloggers at the moment. Sorry about the lack of posts in the last little while, it seems that summer is actually harder to stay regular post-wise than the school year. Who would have thought? Anyway, I've spent the past few days painting my bedroom. I don't know that it was actually as long a process as it feels like it was, but the whole not being able to sleep in my bedroom and staying on the sofa bed downstairs thing made it feel like it took a long time. I was going from bright yellow walls with pink, blue, and purple stripes to white. In the end, 3 coats of primer and 3 coats of paint and I love love love the results. The color is called "Moon Rise", and it is basically white but has a bit of a silver tinge to it. It is perfect. I feel like I'm living in a blank canvas. It just has that same feeling to it that a new canvas or sheet of paper does: potential, endless potential and promise. It's fan-freaking-tastic. As fascinated as I'm sure you all are by my decorating endeavours, you are probably wondering what any of this has to do with a picture of a barn door. Well, I was scrolling through potential pictures and this one caught my eye. Immediately the phrase "barn raising" popped into my head (once again, it is a weird, weird place in there) and that whole working hard to make something seemed to fit with painting. Maybe? Am I stretching it too far? Maybe I'm just crazy. Regardless. Thinking about barn raising made me think of the Keith Urban song "Raise the Barn", thus the title (which, in case you are not a country music person, is the first two lines of the song). This barn is probably one of my favorite buildings in Fort Edmonton. I took this particular shot of it on Canada Day, but that certainly wasn't the first time it has made an appearance in a photo of mine. In fact, I used it as a background for some of Carly and Stuart's engagement photos. Now, despite being a city girl I am from Alberta and come from farming stock on one side of the family, so I have an inherent love of barns. Seriously. When I'm in a car driving along Alberta highways I always wish I could stop and take pictures of all the different barns we pass, all of which are in different states of dilapidation I know this barn isn't falling apart, so it doesn't have that particular appeal, but there is something about the color of the wood and that quality it takes on in the sunlight...I could take a lot of pictures of this barn.

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