Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I walk into the office for the first time on Monday and she immediately greets me with "Breanna! I missed you!" She says it with genuine feeling, so much so that I almost burst into tears. It has only been two days, a weekend, since we last saw each other, but I had found myself missing her too. To be greeted with a return of this sentiment is almost too much for my already bursting heart to handle. 

For the first time in a long time I feel like I am actually connected to someone. Our friendship is still relatively new, but it has rapidly become my lifeline. A friendship characterized by laughter and tears, ridiculous moments and meaningful conversations. Something I would not give up for anything.

As I sit at my desk listening to her explain how on Sunday night she just wanted me around in some capacity, to be online or to update my blog, a wave of gratefulness washes over my soul. And I realize something, something simple, but deeply meaningful to me: I have made a friend.


  1. This made my heart smile a wide, toothy smile.

  2. "...we just learned the other day that 'un'amica stretta' means "a close friend." But 'stretta' literally means tight, as in clothing, like a tight skirt. So a close friend, in Italian, is one that you can wear tightly, snug against your skin, and that is what my little Swedish friend Sofie is becoming to me."
    - Liz Gilbert

  3. If this were facebook, I'd be clicking "like"
