Friday, January 21, 2011

l'esprit d'escalier

l'esprit d'escalier (idiomatic expression) [French]
the feeling you get after leaving a conversation, when you think of all the things you should have said
I love learning idiomatic expressions in other languages. Sometimes they are just plain funny, like the French expression for butchering the French language: "vous parlez français comme une vache espagnole" (literally: you speak French like a Spanish cow). Sometimes they manage to capture a greater meaning than English can, like the Italian expression for a close friend: "un'amica stretta" (with "stretta" literally meaning "tight" like "tight clothing"). Sometimes they simply provide a way to say something that can't be said in English. I love English, but it is by no means an all-sufficient language. This is the case with "l'esprit d'escalier". Literally translated it means "the spirit of stairs". I am not really sure that this is enlightening, but the French phrase is so perfect right now. The number of times I have experienced this the past couple of days is remarkable. Generally the fact that I can't explain this sensation just adds to my frustration. So, even if I can't stop being the world's most awkward conversationalist, now I at least have a name for what I'm feeling when I get home.

This is not at all the picture I was hoping for. I have a serious lack of stair photos and the apartment stairwell has lighting that is akin to public bathrooms and school gymnasiums, photography just should not be attempted in these situations. This picture was pretty blah, so I edited it up, fiddling with colours, highlights and shadows until I got something that at least looks cool, even if it isn't what I had envisioned.

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