Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ten Things...Life Support

I know I normally do this ten things post on Sundays, but I honestly just forgot about it yesterday. So here it is a day late. I had a really great week last week, but heading back to school has hit me like a ton of bricks. For some reason tonight I just started thinking about all the things that I am dissatisfied with in my life, all of the situations I would change if I could, all of the things I feel like I am missing out on...and it quickly became a nasty vortex of thought. So instead of simply succumbing to it I decided to start thinking about the things that have made me smile lately. And you know what? It actually helped. So, here are ten posts about things that have made me smile or have been some sort of support that I have desperately clung to when things aren't going so well:
  1. Encouragement
  2. Here's to Happiness
  3. Time and light are kinds of love
  4. To Heal a Soul
  5. (Post) Christmas Smiles
  6. Black Rook in Rainy Weather
  7. When Life Hands You Lemons...
  8. This picture makes me smile
  9. Liquid Comfort
  10. Inspiration in a Teacup

1 comment:

  1. *sigh. I still think swing-dancing would be awesome. Maybe you could find something equally awesome and slightly less time consuming for the term? Something to keep you looking forward when school has you looking down?
