Friday, January 7, 2011

Inspired by...

One of the things I have been occupying my free time with lately is catching up on a lot of my favourite blogs. I have several that I adore and will read daily. Even when I'm really busy I try to make room for a few of my favourites because they bring some beauty and inspiration to my day and that is something that I need just so I can continue to function. I feed off of beauty. As much as I can be a Negative Nancy, I truly do try and find at least one thing every day that makes me laugh or smile, something beautiful or amusing, even if it is just something tiny. Often as I'm perusing the blogosphere I will come across something that inspires me, something I find thought-provoking or intriguing or uplifting or just plain gorgeous. Sometimes these things turn into posts on this blog, but more often than not there isn't really a way to translate whatever I've seen into a post. Or I would need to go out and take some very specific pictures before it could appear on here. Plus, I'm often struck by other photography I come across and this blog just isn't a forum for that kind of thing. This phenomenon, and a desire to create a place that I myself could turn to when I'm feeling low on inspiration, led me to start a tumblr a couple weeks ago. If you ever wonder what it is that I find inspirational, check it out. It's really just a collection of random things that I find lovely.

One of the recurring themes in the pictures that I've been posting on the tumblr lately has been sunshine and glass, so I thought this picture that I took on Christmas Day was appropriate for this post. 

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