Sunday, January 16, 2011


I am not normally one for New Year's resolutions. They seem pointless in many ways. Unless I really want something it isn't going to happen regardless of whether I put it on some list on January 1. This year though was a little bit different. This year I resolved to look for and cherish beauty, to surround myself with things that are lovely. Or, rather, I decided to continue to do so in a more deliberate manner. This all started some time in the summer, I think it was with the decision to paint my room, and is something I firmly believe I have been growing into the past few months. Where I was at this summer I don't think I could have simply decided to live this way and stuck to it. It was a journey I needed to start before I could come to this place of deliberate searching. Let me tell you, looking at the world this way is truly wonderful. I'm not saying this is always how I look at things. I'm naturally a glass-half-empty kind of person, so it's a struggle, but I'm making a profound effort to find things in every day that resonate with me, that inspire me, that make me smile. I find myself using words like "magic," "enchanting," "lovely" and "beautiful" far more often than I ever have before. And I like it.

1 comment:

  1. I like this peace that you are finding. It's nice to just be.
