Saturday, January 15, 2011

A frozen pond and a metal blade

Tonight I realized that I haven't been skating this winter. By no means am I a good skater, in fact I look like a total fool most of the time, but I really enjoy it and usually try to go at least once a year. But I haven't been yet this year. I think I need to remedy this situation sometime soon. Now before you start thinking I'm crazier than I actually am, this realization was actually prompted by something, specifically the snow. It's snowing again, and while we certainly don't need any more snow it was so pretty when I was walking back from work that I couldn't be annoyed about it. It was the perfect Hollywood, giant flakes, take a walk with your lover kind of snow. I normally hate snow. But for this kind of snow I can make an exception. It is truly lovely. And I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be the sweetest date ever to go skating in this kind of snow?" And then suddenly I realized I haven't been skating this year. So, I bring you a picture from a few years ago when some of my friends from school came skating with me on my birthday. It was lovely. No snow, but a beautiful sunny day. One of those rare days where the presence of the sun doesn't actually mean that it is freezing cold outside. I think this is a phenomenon only understood by people who live on the prairies. At least Gabby, who is from Ontario, is still a bit baffled by it. Out here, when it is winter and you look outside to see blue sky and sunshine, you brace yourself for frigid weather, so the fact that it was sunny and warm enough to enjoy ourselves on the outdoor rink was quite remarkable. We stayed out there until the sun set (which in this part of the world is pretty early in the winter) and the way it cast its last few rays across the ice was gorgeous.

Wow, that was a random post. My mind makes strange connections sometimes. I hope you don't mind when the posts are less than organized. Sometimes that is just how I roll.

1 comment:

  1. Hehehe. I like how you roll.
    Glad you're appreciating the snow! Trust you to make it walk-with-your-lover snow and not die-a-brutal-and-freezing-death snow. Hope you get a chance to skate soon :).
