Saturday, January 22, 2011


There is something you should know about me: I am a klutz. Not in the spectacular-accidents, land-myself-in-the-hospital way, but in small ways. I walk into walls and doors on a regular basis. I trip while walking on flat surfaces. I smash my shins on furniture almost daily. I nick my hands so often that I usually don't even realize it until I look down at my hand (often in class) only to find a bloody cut. This is just such a fact of life for me that I pretty much don't even think about it any more. However, this week I was reminded of my klutzy-ness in a big way: I burned my hands several times. So, word to the wise, don't pick up a hot iron by the metal plate, don't grab a hair straightener that is on even if it going to fall, don't try to move a muffin tin that has just come out of the oven with your bare hands, don't kick a running space heater, don't grab the outside of a metal kettle and don't pour boiling water on yourself. Yeah, I did all of those things this week. It's actually ridiculous.

No, this picture has nothing to do with being a klutz. I really like it though. I am a big fan of taking black and white pictures from moving vehicles. There is something about the motion and the lack of clarity that intrigues me. I think it is the sense of going somewhere that the resulting images exude that fascinates me so much.

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