Monday, August 2, 2010

Black and White and Read All Over

Here's the big news of my week. On Monday I was offered a job! FINALLY! I am now officially working as a proofreader at an Edmonton paper. It's actually a really awesome arrangement because I can keep it when I am back in school. It is literally across the street from the campus, is part time, and pays well. Score. I worked at the same paper in a different position during my second year, so I know it means I'll probably lack a social life of any variety, but it is definitely doable. I was so excited when I got the phone call that after I hung up I started jumping up and down screaming "I got the job! I got the job!". This would have been a perfectly fine reaction and I barely even noticed until I realized that I was stading in the entryway of Chapters in West Edmonton Mall. People looked at me kind of funny. It was mildly embarrassing. Oh well.

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