Friday, August 27, 2010

The Old Stones Whisper

For some reason when I sat down to put this post together I had a hankering to look at old architecture. So I headed straight for the photos from my Europe trip, in particular the ones from St. Patrick's Cathedral. This picture is definitely one of my favourites from that trip. I like how the window is lit up and just jumps out at you. There is something amazing about really old buildings. Think about it. All of the stone work was done by hand. Isn't that crazy? There were probably people who worked on some of these structures who died before they ever got to see the completed product. And they are just so impressive. Old buildings have a certain ambiance about them. They are hushed and reverent and alive with the past. It is almost as if the buildings themselves are alive. I know that sounds weird, but I can't think of another way to explain it. It is as if every person who worked on the construction of the building and each person who has valued it since has left a mark. New buildings don't have that same sense. They haven't been lived in enough to have a really history in them, and the sense of craftsmanship just isn't there. That's not to say that a building has to be hundreds of years old to have that sort of breathing life, but I think it does have to have a past. It's like memories accumulate in the cracks in the walls and the corners of rooms. You don't know what the memories are, but you know they are there. They make the place come alive. I really wish there were more old buildings around here for me to wander through. I find them very peaceful and restful and relaxing.

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