Friday, August 13, 2010

Sorry I'm not home right now, I'm walking into spiderwebs

Walking into spiderwebs, both literally and figuratively, is horrible. Literally walking into a spiderweb sucks because once it is stuck to you, particularly your face, it just seems impossible to get off. Which is guess is kind of the point since they would be rather ineffectual if things didn't get caught in them. Still, it is unpleasant. But what is even worse than that is getting caught in a figurative spiderweb, those situations where all of sudden you realize you are stuck with no possible way out of what is usually a messy, awkward, unpleasant circumstance. Try as you might, you just can't seem to get out of it. The only way out is usually something that will be embarassing and potentially injurious to other people. I've had a few of those this summer. Bleh.

I thought this flower which was all encased in a spiderweb was pretty cool though. Just because I have no desire to be trapped in a spiderweb it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate how they look.

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