Tuesday, March 30, 2010

After 17 pages I have a rough draft...

Welcome to my life this week. I just finished a rough draft of final paper 2 of 5 and it is 17 pages long. My brain is shot. Unfortunately I need to edit it still (and if you know me then you know that editing is not a quick, throw-away kind of process) and then I get to start on the paper that is due on Thursday. Such is the life of an English major. Particularly one who is as bad for procrastinating as I am. It's the Easter long weekend this weekend though so even if I still have copious amounts of reading and research to do I at least get to go home and don't have to go to classes.
So this is a bit of a photo essay of sorts, all images taken during late night paper writing sessions over my university career. First up we have a lovely paper in the process of being edited. I'm pretty sure this one was on the depiction of Natives in early Canadian literature. I find it rather amusing that the part of the paper that is in focus uses words such as 'cannibalism' and 'killing' multiple times. Somehow that seems very appropriate for the mood that I hit around 3 in the morning. Next up is a stack of paper writing essentials: Oxford English Dictionary, a good Thesaurus, and an anthology. Swap the anthology with my Canadian Writers' Reference Guide and you would have the three books that I must have within easy reach during any paper writing session. I have no idea what anthology that is though. I do know the picture is from last year some time. And last up we have a stack of library books (that is a pretty baby stack actually...given that I have more books than that out for my Shakespeare paper right now...) coupled with my giant Art History textbook and huge literary theory textbook. I'm willing to bet that those books weren't all related to the same paper but somehow ended up piled on my desk. Picture is from sometime in the insanity of last semester.
All right. There you have it. A slice of what is eating my life this week (and the weeks to come). I better get back to my Victorian Lit paper.

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