Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daydreams of Sunshine

As the weather gets nicer the frequency of my summer-related daydreams increases. Unfortunately this also coincides with an increase in my homework load and daydreaming is not a particularly productive use of my time. Oh well. It happens every year and I always manage to push through to the end of term. So, this picture just screams "SUMMER" to me. I took it at Fort Edmonton a couple years ago. Actually, these flowers grow sort of facing the ground and so I just stuck my camera under them and hoped for the best because my other option was to lie down in the dirt and given that there were other people wandering around I figured that might look a bit odd. However, I think it is kind of a cool picture. The sun and the brightness of the flowers complement each other nicely and I love how blue the sky is. Yup, this is pretty much the essence of summer. I just wish it was here already.

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