Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wine and "Chess"

No, I did not spend my evening playing chess. Although I wouldn't put it past myself to do so. Instead, I was hanging out with my best friend, drinking wine and watching "Chess In Concert", which is so incredible that I am not sure there are words in the English language to describe it. It is, as Erin so rightly pointed out, everything that a musical ought to be. Plus, the all-star cast of Josh Groban (who is just plain phenomenal and has the ability to cause me to feel like I'm melting), Idina Menzel (who is pretty much my musical idol), and Adam Pascal (who's rock and roll edge is incredibly sexy) is pretty much my dream cast. Thank you Erin for a FABULOUS night!

This picture isn't actually from tonight since both Erin and I are white wine people. These are actually a couple of the worst martinis I have ever tasted. Seriously. Anyway, they at least looked pretty. I tend to be fascinated by light and the way that it was shining through the drinks onto the table cloth was to beautiful not to take a picture of it.


  1. Thanks so much for the follow! I love your blog, you have so many beautiful photos. Do you take them all yourself? I can't wait to see more :)

  2. Thanks so much! Yes, I do take all of the photos on here myself.
